
Fame | December Avenue (band) net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about December Avenue (band)'s genre?

December Avenue (band) Genre: Rock, Acoustic music, Alternative rock, Pop rock, Emo, Indie pop, Alternative/Indie, Pop-punk

How about December Avenue (band)'s also_known_as?

December Avenue (band) Also_known_as: Sense of Sound (formerly)

How about December Avenue (band)'s awards?

December Avenue (band) Awards: Awit Award for Best Song Written for Movie/TV/Stage Play, MYX Music Award for Collaboration of the Year

How about December Avenue (band)'s record label?

December Avenue (band) Record label: Tower of Doom Records

What does December Avenue band mean?

December Avenue was formed in 2007 during freshmen year in college. All of the members attended the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music. In a 2009 article published by one of the university's newsletters, Tomasino Web, December Avenue was still portrayed and up and coming band.

What was the old name of the band December Avenue?

December Avenue was formed in 2007 during freshmen year in college. All of the members attended the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music. In a 2009 article published by one of the university's newsletters, Tomasino Web, December Avenue was still portrayed and up and coming band.

Who is the lead singer of Dec Ave?

December Avenue was formed in 2007 during freshmen year in college. All of the members attended the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music. In a 2009 article published by one of the university's newsletters, Tomasino Web, December Avenue was still portrayed and up and coming band.

When was December Avenue created?

December Avenue was formed in 2007 during freshmen year in college. All of the members attended the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music. In a 2009 article published by one of the university's newsletters, Tomasino Web, December Avenue was still portrayed and up and coming band.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-08-29