Fame | Coko net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
How old is Coko? When is Coko's birthday? Where is Coko born? Where did Coko grow up from? What's Coko's age?
Coko Born: June 13, 1970 (age 52 years), South Bronx, New York, United States
Coko Movies: House of Gospel: Gospel Comes Alive: Live in Atlanta, Habib
Is Coko married? When did Coko get married? Who's Coko's married to? (Who's Coko's husband / wife)?
Coko Spouse: Mike Clemons (m. 2003)
Coko Parents: Lady Tibba Gamble
Does Coko have any children? What are the names of Coko's children? What are the ages of Coko's children?
Coko Children: Lil Tracy, Jalen Clemons, Jazz Butler
Larita Shotwell
Update: 2024-09-30